- Agronomy & physiology of field crops & field-testing of transgenic plants;
- Plant Ecophysiology & abiotic stresses (nutritional, anoxic & oxidative);
- Micronutrients physiology: plant responses, uptake, efficiency mechanism & varietal screening, rhizosphere acquisitions, interaction with root disease;
- Chemistry of submerged soils &behavioursof heavy metal; quantify O2 status in rhizosphere (soil & solution);
- Integrated ecosystem assessment, participatory scenario for natural resource management (Working member of Millennium Ecosystem Assessments)
- National & international management & policies on sciences, agriculture & natural resources
- Agronomy & physiology of field crops & field-testing of transgenic plants;
- Plant Ecophysiology & abiotic stresses (nutritional, anoxic & oxidative);
- Micronutrients physiology: plant responses, uptake, efficiency mechanism & varietal screening, rhizosphere acquisitions, interaction with root disease;
- Chemistry of submerged soils &behavioursof heavy metal; quantify O2 status in rhizosphere (soil & solution);
- Integrated ecosystem assessment, participatory scenario for natural resource management (Working member of Millennium Ecosystem Assessments)
- National & international management & policies on sciences, agriculture & natural resources